Tools and resources
Defense & Veterans Center for Integrative Pain Management provides a wide variety of tools, resources, meetings, and workshops available to the public. As a direct result of our research we have created several publicly available tools to assist in the treatment of acute and chronic pain management.
Below you will find links to resources such as the Pain Assessment Screening Tool and Outcomes Registry (PASTOR) and the Defense and Veterans Pain Rating Scale (DVPRS).
Pain Assessment Screening Tool and Outcomes Registry (PASTOR)
The Pain Assessment Screening Tool and Outcomes Registry (PASTOR) is a 20-30 minute survey that produces a comprehensive 3-page clinician report of a patient's chronic pain.
Joint Pain Education Program (JPEP)
The Joint Pain Education Project (JPEP) curriculum was developed by DoD and VA personnel with the expressed purpose of providing a common approach and understanding of pain managing for clinicians in both Departments.
DVCIPM (MARAA) Book Project
This handbook, developed by DVCIPM serves as a resource for managing the pain of battlefield trauma, and should educate anesthesiology residents in the art and science of advanced regional anesthesia techniques.
Defense & Veterans Pain Rating Scale (DVPRS)
This free resource is available as a downloadable PDF and supplemental questions to be used to determine a patient’s level of pain.
Air & Ground Pain Casualty Evacuation
Pain management and evacuation are often critically linked. These resources provide information and necessary documentation for use during air or ground evacuation.
Military Clinical Practice Guidelines
This compilation of free resources are available as free PDF downloads to provide information on current military clinical practice guidelines.
Battlefield Acupuncture
As part of a multifaceted strategy to combat the opioid crisis and provide non-pharmacological alternatives to pain management, DVCIPM and the VHA National Pain Management Program Office completed a Joint Incentive Fund acupuncture education and training program entitled, Acupuncture Training Across Clinical Settings (ATACS).
Human Performance Resources by CHAMP
CHAMP carries out and translates research to improve service member performance in the field and returning to duty. CHAMP aims to be DoD’s best resource for evidence-based information on human performance optimization (HPO) to improve the performance and resilience of our service members and their families.
Pain Management Task Force
In August 2009, the Army Surgeon General chartered the Army Pain Management Task Force to make recommendations for a comprehensive pain management strategy that would provide optimal quality of life for soldiers and other patients dealing with pain. The PMTF included representatives from the Army, Navy, Air Force, and VHA. The final report contains holistic, multidisciplinary, and multimodal pain management strategies to address acute and chronic pain of soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines, veterans, and others.
Download the Pain Management Task Force Report
National Capital Region Pain Initiative (NCRPI)
The NCRPI provides pain resources to patients and providers within the Army, Navy, Air Force & Coast Guard across the National Capital Region and beyond.